Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Better than I had ever imagined...

Yesterday I fulfilled a lifelong dream... I saw Jimmy Eat World in concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you know me well, you know that I love Jimmy and concerts. After not being able to go when they came last, I was NOT missing it this time.
And I must say... well worth the wait. They played some old, some new. I even called their encore numbers (ha, jacob!). Thanks Brad and Jessie for coming and dancing with us- it was a blast!

Here are some shots from the night...

Here we are after our costume change into our Jimmy Shirts...

A lot of concerts have the same type of people attending, and the thing I loved about Jimmy was the crowd was so diverse. I loved it because (cue the Full House music) Music brings people together. Yes, I am cheesey. And yes, I love Jimmy.


  1. I love Jimmy and concerts, too. Although, a lot of concerts I've been too aren't as diverse as Jimmy concerts.

    I went to a Def Leppard concert and 96.4% of people in attendance either had a mullet or a mesh tank top on.

    Bon Jovi was a little more diverse...only 66 % were women in their mid 30's to early 40's wearing some sort of animal print.

    And the Weezer concert I went to was full of nerds. :)

  2. Sounds like a ton of fun! The concerts we go to during the summer at the Sandy Ampitheater are attended by - oh let's say - we are the young 'uns there.
    Do they groove -- no.
    Do they dance - no.
    Do they clap - sure.
    And that is as crazy as it gets.
    'Cept for me - I've got the feeling in me and I let it go!

  3. So that's one of the reasons I got the jerseys - I saw your pictures and thought they were way cute! haha

  4. hhhahaha. cue the full house music!
    steph i love you!
    and i am jealous cuz that looks soooo fun!
    i love them!


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